Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey Guys!!

I am officially starting REACH training today, parking my car for 3 months :)
Just wanted to give you guys some contact information. I forgot what the mailing address is, but I'll have that soon, and my email address is don't forget to drop me a note.

I miss my family very very much, and my friends, but I am super excited to see what Gods got going on.

Hope to hear from you all! :)
Much love, Jean

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

1st Post!

This is officially my first of hopefully many posts. Just setting this thingy up so what God is doing will be well bragged about, and spread throughout my family and friends. Leaving in a week from Thursday very exciting yet a little anxious. Leaving my family is going to be really hard, but trying to remind myself, my Father God and I will never have to separate.

Pray Request?
-A safe drive to Columbus, Oh, (also with no police stops :p)
-Be able to stop in the rushing around with my head cut off and spend quiet time with the Lord.
-God is continuing to amaze me with the way He is bringing in the funds for this trip, but to pray that I will keep trusting my Jehovah Jireh.

Have a good day! :)