Monday, February 13, 2012

Hola mi amigos!!

People of the World!!!  How are you!??  Time is flying by for me. We’ve been here for little over two months and it seems like it’s only been a week! But also at the same time is seems like I’ve lived here for a long time.
This last week we went to an Island called Chiloe. Quite the adventure you might say.  Before we even left last week, P-stor told us we should probably come prepared to share the word.  So the day before I left I was flying through the Bible asking God what He wants to share with His people. I was mainly looking at two chapters. Then later that day Jeff gave me a sweet, little, encouraging, note thingy, with one of the same verses in it! Crazy! Anyways then that night I had a meeting/one-on-two kinda thingy with P-stor and his wife. The first couple minutes we were talking he opens the Bible up to the exact other spot I was looking at in the Bible. So basically God layed it right down for me. Sweet! Two chap. Were Heb 12:1-11, Phil 2:1-5.
Anyways then we left the next morning at a wopping 7 in the morning. Got to Chiloe like 3pm or something, you’d be surprised how far out into the wilderness a bus will take you.  We hung out at the other P-stors house there. That night we had a itty bitty church service thingy. Jeff and Beth lead their worship in Spanish, what beasts J.  Then we all were split up into different houses, so my perspective of the story will be a little different than my other teammates but you can ask them if you wanna know more :p. 
Then on Wed. we woke up and me and Clay were so blessed to have hot shower! I was like score!! It was such a cool little contraption thingy to get hot water over the fire. Real cool, anyways  just thought I’d throw that in there.  So after breakfast we started off to a bunch of houses. These trails we were taking to get to peoples houses were like the jungle! They knew those trails like the equivalent to someone knowing  the streets of NYC their whole life.  So we stopped at a lot of peoples house, like way way back in the sticks super rural. Basically Clay, Camila and I did most of the talking at the houses. Our host knows the Lord also but she didn’t do much talking (btw these are all people she knows, except for like 2). That was pretty challenging for me, with my not so great Spanish skills lol. Clay would have to translate my Spanish sometimes. Plus I think that people in Chiloe have a little different dialect.  This was definitely a time when I had to really really trust the Lord, with what I was going to say for God, and how I was going to do it. Usually we have Pastor close by or someone that can kinda pull us out of a predicament if need be. I realized how much I’ve gone through my life and really don’t “have” to trust God that much ya know? Like especially as Americans, what do we really have to trust God with? A lot if you think about it, but if ya don’t think about it like most of us do most times, we don’t really. Anyways all that to say, this was one of those times, I was quite nervous, but also felt quite reliant on God, I realized I like this, that’s how I always want to be. Anyways He definitely came through and showed Himself to a lot of people through us. We got to pray with almost every single family that we went to and shared the gospel with them.  There was one family imperticular that really stuck out to me. They’re house was awful living conditions. I didn’t see a single stitch of food anywhere and the kids were basically wearing rags. They had 4 kids, of which one was in the hospital. They’re one year old daughter has severe down-syndrome and some other problem that I couldn’t really understand, and was pretty much living at the hospital. I don’t know how they were paying for it. But the Dad kept saying he thinks its his fault that his daughter is like this, that G-d is punishing him or something. So after we talked with them for a while, we prayed for them, and the spirit was moving and working there. Afterwards we were sitting there, and I felt a burden to give them 10 mil, which is equivalent to 20$, no more no less, that’s just what G-d was putting in my brain. But I was like why would I bring my wallet on this hiking all over adventure, where am I going to get 10 mil G-d? Then I’m like “Clay,” but then I was like nah he prolly was thinking the same thing as me about caring your wallet through the jungle lol. However, I was wrong! He pulls out 10 mil, and we got to bless the family with it (after asking Camila if that would be offensive of course).  I still have been thinking about that family a lot. If you think about it please p--y for them.  Other  houses, we could just feel a heaviness of spiritual warfare. Our host said that in the country like this there are lots of witchcraftful things happening out there.  After learning that we prayed the blood of Jes-s over every house. One house we were in, we were all praying and just as I was saying in the name of Jes-s be gone from this house any evil spirits, and pleaded the blood, the door flung open! There was like a dramatic amount of wind that came with it also. Crazy stuff G-d was doing! I saw Him working a lot. Also we got to witness three people get bptzed. It was beautiful picture. 
Like I said the rest of my team has a different story because we were all spread out, but you’ll have to ask them. God is working here, He’s been teaching me so much, this has definitely been the most…different for lack of a better word, experience of my life.  Sometimes it’s the hardest experience, sometimes it’s the best, sometimes it’s the most I’ve learned in the past 10 years lol. Language is coming a lot better for all of us I think.  I was talking with Kirsten about when we get back to the States, we are really gonna try and take advantage of knowing the language. We have no idea how much of a blessing words are. Sometimes I think if I just knew Spanish I could describe the Father and His love for them so much better (and faster for that matter :p).
Well I think that’s enough for now, but be blessed, and have a wonderful day.  He is still on the throne!!  

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